Through their talent, creativity, and leadership, Multicolores’ artists create lasting positive impact in their own lives and communities. Multicolores strives to create programs that enable our artists to be powerful agents of change. We measure our impact in three different areas:
Economic Empowerment
“Having an income makes me so much more independent. Many women who need or want to buy something have to ask their husbands for money. Sometimes her husband doesn’t have any money to give, or he doesn’t want to give his wife money. Some husbands are very authoritarian. But when we have our own source of income, it changes our sense of self-esteem and independence.”
– Nicolasa Pacay, rug-hooking artist

53 artists earn income through Multicolores. Artists help support 223 total family members.
$43,695 Total income earned by Multicolores artists in 2023
- $2,802 Income of the top-producing rug hooking artist in 2023
- $1,029 Income of the top-producing embroidery artist in 2023
50%+ Percent of artists who earn the highest income in their family
Artists’ top priorities for their income:
Education, healthcare, food, clothing, household bills, savings, and investments

Market Access
312 Total number of products sold by Multicolores in 2023
(257 hooked, 55 embroidered)
Multicolores sold artwork at the following exhibitions:
- Amy Kaslow Gallery, Washington DC, US
- Hooked Rug Museum of North America, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Textile Center, Minneapolis, US
- Weave A Real Peace Member Exhibition, Ohio, US

Artisan Community Alliances
5 partner artisan workshops provide raw materials and finishing services, driving additional income to our wider community of talented craftspeople:
- Salvador Sojuel Tzina, woodcarver
- Miguel Ángel, weaver
- Damian Ajcalón Alonzo, tailor
- Flor Ixcaco Cooperative, natural dyes
Social Inclusion and Solidarity
“I noticed an improvement in my health since the first mobile clinic and I enjoy learning to be healthier. Having easy access to a doctor and medicine makes a big difference in our community. Thanks to the program we save time and money- there is no need to travel long distances to find a nurse or doctor or to buy expensive medicine. The medical team understands our needs, they have been in our community and experienced it closely.”
-Tomasa Ventura, rug-hooking artist

Learning and Leadership
94% of artists participated in a Multicolores creative workshop.
6 of 9 artists in the Leadership Program hold leadership positions in political and religious entities in their communities
9 artists completed training to become Community Justice Guides

Cultural Exchange
16 artists selected as teaching artists & paired with 16 North American visitors during our ten-day 2019 Rug Hooking Tour
59 groups hosted during visits to our office in Panajachel in 2023

Health and Well-being
104 artists, family members, and neighbors served in the inaugural community clinic visit of Multicolores’ new Health and Well-being Program, launched in 2019
30 artists received custom-made ergonomic tools, following an occupational health consultation
Artists received 80 hours of professional psychological counseling

Community Impact Award Winner at International Folk Art Market’s One World Awards in Santa Fe, NM, United States
Pop-up exhibition at Latino Cultural Arts Center in Denver, CO, United States
Featured artist at B’atz Art Walk in San Marcos, Guatemala
Social Inclusion and Solidarity
“The way we use recycled materials is unique, innovative. It’s an honor for us, because we’ve found a way to use pieces of clothing that would otherwise be burned or sent to the landfill. In this way, we’re helping our families, the environment, and our community at the same time.”
– Glendy Muj, rug-hooking artist
“Our earth has suffered at the hands of humanity. Her fate is in our hands.”
– Margarita Xicón, embroidery artist

5,931 second hand garments recycled and repurposed into hooked rugs
150+ Pounds of plastic bags diverted from landfills, collected by artists to use as stuffing for dolls and ornaments

Responsible Sourcing and Innovation
Established new partnership with Flor Ixcaco Cooperative to source naturally dyed cloth for embroidery artists to use in appliqué
Woodcarver Salvador Sojuel Tzina sourced local, sustainably forested wood varieties for use in footstools, doll stands, frames, and tools