• Susan Austin, 2024 tour alumna

    “I thoroughly enjoyed each moment of the tour with great joy!  This cultural exchange event was expertly planned and implemented.  The synergy you created broke down all barriers and enabled the artists and tour participants to maximize this glorious opportunity. I definitely 'brought home' the spirit of the week in my heart and will remain humbled by the resiliency of the Maya women.  I am extremely grateful for each moment.”

  • Christi Teasley, 2020 tour alumna

    “The Multicolores rug-hooking adventure exceeded my expectations and has given me fodder and fuel for both creative endeavor and work in my region towards economic and social justice. Small steps adding up – brilliant and humbling to see.”

  • Flo Sandok, 2019 tour alumna

    “This was a deeply profound experience; one I never could have dreamed would be so comprehensive, so thoughtful, so full of interesting and meaningful experiences. Forming a bridge to the Guatemalan Mayan women has been a deep honor. I am grateful for it beyond words”.

  • Bev Young, 2018 tour alumna

     “I had such a wonderful time on the tour; it was well organized, meaningful, educational, balanced with sightseeing, visits to other artists, villages, heartfelt.  This tour elevated my opinion of rug hooking from hobby to a life-transforming art form. I am truly pleased that I got to experience this.”

  •  Mary Manning, 2017 tour alumna

    "Before coming on this trip, I had few expectations partly because I didn't know what to expect. I knew it would be unlike my other travels. This trip has left me feeling less like a tourist and more like someone who has, for a brief moment, been able to participate in a meaningful way in these women's lives. This trip has felt like a privilege."

  • Jane LeBaron, 2016 tour alumna

    "This was an exceptional trip. I can not thank you enough for the kaleidoscope of experiences you put together to introduce me to Guatemala, particularly the Maya women. They are warm and wonderful, talented and motivated with a tremendous sense of community. Their sharing of themselves, their resources/talents and their laughter we can all learn from. There is nothing I would change about this journey of discovery." 

  • Deanne Kubly, 2015 tour alumna

    "This was one of the best-planned tours I have had the privilege of being a part of. Besides thoroughly enjoying working with my Maya “buddy,” I loved the additional experiences we
    had. I began the trip with curiosity about what life was like in Guatemala and returned with a thirst to learn much more about this wonderful country and its peoples."

  •  Mary Logue, 2014 tour alumna

    "When I signed up for the rug hooking tour, I knew I would find lovely landscape, vibrant color and a deep tradition of fiber arts. What I didn't know is I would enter into the heart of this warm country and gain the friendship of Maya women I deeply respect. This was an unforgettable, glorious experience."

  •  Donna Schreiner, 2013 tour alumna

    "The rug hooking tour was an amazing blend of people, culture and education. I loved every minute of it." 

  • Shirley Plumb, 2012 tour alumna

    “Thank you so much for expanding my world and my spirit". 

  • Sandi Telzrow, 2012 tour alumna

    "It was amazing to work side by side with the delightful ladies of Guatemala - to share a love of fiber, to watch them develop a pattern from their native designs and to see their color planning in action. We were warmly welcomed into their villages and homes - a marvelous time to experience the daily life of Guatemalan woman.".